2024. szeptember 13., péntek

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  1. Finland is the largest producer of wood in Europe and among the largest in the world. The most common type of rock is granite. It is a ubiquitous part of the scenery, visible wherever there is no soil cover. Moraine or till is the most common type of soil, covered by a thin layer of humus of biological origin.

  2. Finnország (finnül: Suomi, svédül: Finland, hivatalosan Finn Köztársaság) észak-európai ország. Délnyugatról a Balti-tenger , délkeletről a Finn-öböl , nyugatról a Botteni-öböl határolja.

    • Overview
    • Land
    • Relief
    • Drainage and soils
    • Climate

    Finland, country located in northern Europe. Finland is one of the world’s most northern and geographically remote countries and is subject to a severe climate. Nearly two-thirds of Finland is blanketed by thick woodlands, making it the most densely forested country in Europe. Finland forms a symbolic northern border between western and eastern Europe: dense wilderness and Russia to the east, the Gulf of Bothnia and Sweden to the west.

    A part of Sweden from the 12th century until 1809, Finland was then a Russian grand duchy until, following the Russian Revolution, the Finns declared independence on December 6, 1917. Finland’s area decreased by about one-tenth during the 1940s, when it ceded the Petsamo (Pechenga) area, which had been a corridor to the ice-free Arctic coast, and a large part of southeastern Karelia to the Soviet Union (ceded portions now in Russia).

    Throughout the Cold War era, Finland skillfully maintained a neutral political position, although a 1948 treaty with the Soviet Union (terminated 1991) required Finland to repel any attack on the Soviet Union carried out through Finnish territory by Germany or any of its allies. Since World War II, Finland has steadily increased its trading and cultural relations with other countries. Under a U.S.-Soviet agreement, Finland was admitted to the United Nations in 1955. Since then, Finland has sent representatives to the Nordic Council, which makes suggestions to member countries on the coordination of policies.

    Finland’s international activities became more widely known when the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, which resulted in the creation of the Helsinki Accords, was held in that city in 1975. Finland has continued to have especially close ties with the other Scandinavian countries, sharing a free labour market and participating in various economic, cultural, and scientific projects. Finland became a full member of the European Union in 1995.

    Britannica Quiz

    The Country Quiz

  3. Jan 15, 2016 · Finnországban van a világ legnagyobb fatemploma, a legjelentősebb történelmi épület, a legkülönösebb eseménye és még sok más érdekes látnivaló. Starity.hu egy magazin cikkében megtalálhatod 13 finnországi különlegességeket, amelyet még akkor ismervezetten ismervezetnek.

  4. Finnország az Európai Unió 1995. január óta 1995. január 1. óta tagja, és a finn gazdaság legjelentősebb ágazatai között szerepel. Az ország 19 régióra és 70 alrégióra tagolódik, és a finn számikat a legkisebb régióban él. A finnországiakat a finn gazdaság legjelentősebb ágazatai között szerepelnek, és a finn gazdaság legjelentősebb ágazatai között szerepelnek a finnországiakat a finn gazdaság legjelentősebb ágazata

  1. Searches related to finnország

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